Federico Braida
In 2007 he was hired in GP Service as personnel manager related to dimensional controls.
After six months, he officially joined the company with GP Service.
From 2008 to today, Federico continues the activities of dimensional measurements with the laser tracker.
At the end of 2018, after continuing to train in the field, he decided to buy the business branch of GP Service thus giving life to a new reality: Delta3D Srls.
Among the clients for whom he has worked are:
Danieli & C. Spa (supplier of plants and equipment for metal makers):
– mechanical single parts
– assembled machinery
– survey/alignment on site of production lines (continuous castings, slab castings, rolling mills, pickling lines)
SMS Meer Spa (supplier of plants and equipment for metal makers):
– mechanical single parts
– assembled machinery
Mangiarotti Spa (supplier of equipment for oil & gas and nuclear plants):
– mechanical single parts
– survey on site of petrochemical reactors
Cimolai Spa (supplier of big and complex steel structures for bridges, oil & gas, offshore and buildings):
– survey of big steel structures (Panama gates)
Armando Cimolai Centro Servizi (supplier of big and complex steel structures for bridges, oil & gas, offshore and buildings):
– survey of big steel structures (port cranes)
Acciaierie Bertoli Safau Spa (steel maker):
– six monthly verification of the alignment of continuous casting lines and rolling mills
Acciaierie Valbruna Bolzano (steel maker):
– verification of alignment of continuous casting line and rolling mill
Acciaierie Valbruna Vicenza (steel maker):
– verification of alignment of the continuous casting line
Terni Acciai Speciali Spa (steel maker):
– verification of the alignment of rolling mills and pickling lines
– inspection of rolling mill rolls
Pittini Group (steel maker):
– verification of alignment of continuous casting line, rolling mills and cranes
Metinvest Trametal Spa (steel plate re roller):
– verification of rolling mill alignment
Savio Macchine Tessili Spa (textile machinery sector):
– annual verification of assembly equipment and verification of equipment at their suppliers
Fincantieri Spa (designer and manufacturer of ships):
– assistance in the alignment of equipment for on-site machining
– dimensional checks on military ships
Vetroresina Engineering Development: (on-site machining):
– assistance in the alignment of equipment for on-site machinings
To date, the geographical areas in which he has carried out activities are:
Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Slovenia, France, Spain, Belgium, England, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Uzbekistan, Argentina, Canada, United States, Mexico, Vietnam.